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via Skype 

 From July 31st 2023 > September 3rd 2023 


The LIFE CHANGING MENTORSHIP with Elitom will be online via Skype


The MENTORSHIP starts on July the 31st 2023 and finishes on September the 3rd 2023.


You can join from your computer and the comfort of your own home. 

Only a few people will be accepted to keep the quality HIGH.


There is a 2 hour live video Skype session every day, with Elitom's powerful practice and teachings,(link to join is sent on your email with all the details) every other week (example of an exact month schedule down below).

You can connect anytime 24/7 daily to share, ask questions, see new messages and insights from Elitom and the other participants. 

You get daily support and can share your journey and access the recordings from past live sessions, all directly within the Skype group.


It is very easy to access all the sessions via Skype. We can guide you if you encounter issues : Just send us an email :)


Replays of all the live sessions are available straight after the session within the Skype group, for you to watch anytime if you cannot join the daily live session, or simply if you want to re-access the sessions offline.


Our group schedule is : 9am New York time daily every other week


Here is a schedule example : 


Week 1 : Powerful Live Video Teachings & Practice with Elitom daily at 9am New York time on Skype

Week 2 :  Live sessions off, Skype group still open 24/7 to share your journey and get support

Week 3 : Powerful Live Video Teachings & Practice with Elitom daily at 9am New York time on Skype, fasting week for those who wish

Week 4 : Live sessions off, Skype group still open 24/7 to share your journey and get support




   >>>> EXTRA GIFT when you join THIS WEEKEND : A

PACKAGE of high quality hand made in small batches vegan natural encoded shampoo ball +

soap made with essential oils, sent to your address !!


The gift is handmade in small batches by Maryam - Living On Energy's 
family and is really HIGH QUALITY
This SUMMER PACKAGE is the opportunity for you to 
try something AMAZING and UNIQUE
containing essentials oils, and
natural ingredients, fragrances and colors
Many people have asked Elitom : What do you use for your hair and body ?
The answer is : The most natural (and still fragrant) high quality body oils, butters, soaps, shampoos … Daily. And I try to avoid packaging as much as possible. 
Hair & Body care is KEY on this path, because your body is your VESSEL. 
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During the MENTORSHIP via Skype, I, Elitom, will be sharing in a small group, in a personnalized way : 


  1. My FULL ROUTINE so you can join from where you are and see how you feel straight away

  2. The MINDSET you need to have for BETTER HEALTH & MORE FREEDOM

  3. How to your original strength 

  4. How to GROW your level of HEALTH to where you have never been before 

  5. How to better understand your Body 

  6. Mind Mastery for a Magic Life

  7. How to SHIFT YOUR DIET based on WHO YOU ARE

  8. How to Build your Body POWERFULLY

  9. How to handle the stages of Body Transformation

  10. How to Self Heal the fastest way

  11. The DOs and DONTs to shift your energy and transform yourself in a strong, healthy & handsome way

  12. My own personal life practices in different versions to suit your body type and needs

  13. How to access higher levels of Freedom, Powers & Capacities

  14. Life changing Meditation sessions

  15. Unlimited Q&A giving precise personal answers to your questions 



ONLY $197 instead of $800 !



Places are very limited to ensure quality.



If you have any question, please feel free to ask through the contact form on the website :-)


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No content replaces the advice of a doctor.

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